Bob Chakar - Educational and Administrative Leadership in New York
With more than three decades of experience in his field, Bob Chakar is a respected New York educator and administrative leader who oversees language arts (LA) and reading programs while supporting summer GED enrollment offerings. Bob Chakar began teaching third grade at New Milford Public Schools in the early 1990s and subsequently worked as an educator and reading/LA specialist with the Norwalk and Danbury Public Schools in Connecticut.
Mr. Chakar subsequently held high school principal responsibilities across several districts and maintained rigorous educational standards, in addition to launching initiatives such as a college acceptance announcements program and the Caring for the Children We Share Committee. He provided for the specific needs of special and regular education students and oversaw a comprehensive teacher observation, evaluation, and testing process.
As superintendent of the Andes and Margaretville Central School Districts, Mr. Chakar managed fiscal planning and policy, and drove capital projects that included the $4.3 million building of new facilities. Bob Chakar has participated in the African American Men of Westchester Education Committee and is active with the Lebanese-American Club.

Bob Chakar
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Bob ChakarWhite Lake, NY US